
woman with back pain receives acupuncture safely


Acupuncture is part of a medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine, which views health and disease holistically and treats patients accordingly. Acupuncture has been practiced for millennia, and has evolved rapidly over the past century as information is exchanged across borders and languages more than ever and medical research advances rapidly.

By inserting fine needles into skin and muscles at specific locations (called acupoints) acupuncturists trigger chemical and physical responses that facilitate natural healing processes. Additionally, acupuncture produces immediate chemical and sensory changes that affect the patient’s perception of the pain or disease, which can alleviate some suffering before the natural healing response is complete.

Acupuncture can help with the following conditions:

  • Infertility

    Assisted Reproductive Techniques (IUI, IVF)

    Back pain during pregnancy and postpartum

    Pregnancy related nausea

    Hot flashes from hormonal changes

  • Cancer-related pain

    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

    Chemotherapy-induced nausea


    Treatment-induced hot flashes

  • Musculoskeletal Pain ( Eg. tension headaches, neck pain, back pain, hip pain)

    Cancer-related pain (Eg. abdominal pain, back pain)

    Inflammatory Pain (Eg. migraines, fibromyalgia)

    Neuropathic Pain ( Eg. periphreal neuropathy, sciatica).

  • Depression






Cupping is a soft tissue mobilization technique that uses a suction cup to decompress muscles and connective tissue. Strong suction can cause a micro-trauma, which increases circulation to the affected area and promotes healing. Cupping is rooted in traditional medicine and utilized by acupuncturists for the treatment of stress and pain. In recent years, cupping has gained popularity among practitioners such as physical therapists, sports trainers, massage therapists, and chiropractors. It is especially useful in managing the following conditions:

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Neck pain

  • Back Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

A group of professional women sit in silent meditation at a mindfulness workshup.

Mindfulness Training

I teach mindfulness through movement, breath work, and mindful communication. By inspiring self-awareness, I help students to develop a more conscious relationship between their bodies, emotions, and thoughts.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques are known to improve pain and other chronic health conditions when incorporated into an overarching treatment plan.

Mindfulness is a practice that also helps healthy people navigate life’s challenges in a graceful and meaningful way. Mindfulness can prevent burnout, and support burnout recovery. We intermittently offer mindfulness training and support for different groups, such as:

  • Individuals and couples trying to grow their families

  • Individuals with a cancer diagnosis and their loved ones

  • Health care providers

  • First responders and educators stressed by the challenges posed by the COVID19 pandemic

For more information, or if you represent a group who you think would benefit from mindfulness training, please get in touch.

Mindfulness training can help with:

  • Headaches


    Neck pain

    Back pain

    Hip pain


  • Neuropathy

    Chronic Fatigue

    Cancer-Related Pain

  • Depression


